Professional website creation

Do you need a new website?

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Creation of professional websites and e-commerce

BASE315 is a web agency active for several years and specialized in the creation of professional websites and all those activities that are normally defined with the name of web marketing.

Bringing your company to the top of the rankings drawn up by search engines, increasing the traffic of your website aiming to obtain quality visits, find new potential customers and increase your sales and your turnover is our task.

Professional websites

Our websites are optimized for each device and taken care of in the smallest detail. Get off to a great start with your new project!


Implement your project with e-commerce functionality and start selling online right away!

Graphic templates

Hundreds of graphic templates at your disposal to customize your website in an exclusive way.

CMS and languages

We use CMS WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or custom projects based on HTML5 / CSS3 / JS / PHP languages.


Add unique features to your website. Gallery, form, pop up and much more.

Customer Support

Our team of experts is committed to responding to all your requests within 24 hours.

Managed sites
0 +
Years of experience
Consulting hours
0 +
0 %

Everything you need

A professional website

We create the website that best suits your needs based on the budget you have available and the objectives you want to achieve.

We take care of everything, providing you with a 360 ° service to offer you exactly the site you want, with image slides, virtual tours, reserved areas, blogs …
You have only one task: to choose what you like!

Think about the details!

Optimization and positioning

Having a beautiful site and not making it known is equivalent to creating a beautiful showcase and placing it in the middle of the desert or on the top of K2.
It is useless!

For this reason, one of our primary objectives is to optimize your website in every detail through SEO strategies and position it in the first results drawn up by search engines.

AdWords and web marketing campaigns

Increase in visits and customers

Through AdWords, social and other web marketing campaigns we work every day to attract new users to your site.

The more people who know your business, the greater the chances of closing deals and increasing turnover. New visits will translate into new customers.

100+ customers in the province of Pavia alone

Some of the customers of BASE315

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Using the form you can request information for free. A member of our staff will email you back to discuss your needs, goals, and any web-related issues you intend to solve.