Websites: templates or custom graphics?

How to choose the look and feel of your website I am writing this article to clarify a bit and to give, at the same time, food for thought on a topic that often generates doubts and, unfortunately, even some misunderstandings. The graphic aspect of a website is one of the profiles that customers are […]
Find images for your website

If you have a website, you will surely know how important it is to choose the right image and the most captivating graphic element to insert on your pages and in the various sections of your site. Selecting an image that is irrelevant or of low quality could even drive visitors away from your site […]
The header image suitable for your website

The image used for the header is one of the fundamental elements of a website. It can be easily recognized because it is located in the upper part of the site and, in most cases, has a rectangular shape developed horizontally.There are many suitable solutions to be used on a website.Each of these is normally […]