Digital marketing

Digital marketing strategies for companies and freelancers

The term digital marketing, which we can say has succeeded what was previously defined as web marketing, refers to the set of activities aimed at improving and spreading the personal or company brand, using all the internet channels and digital tools that we have available.

The web still remains the fastest and cheapest means for communication and marketing.

Creating a website and ensuring that it has good online visibility, which is fundamental in the current era, is a complex job that consists of various phases, each of which requires a specific skill.

BASE315 aims to assist the customer in the creation and positioning of a website, in all phases of processing: from the registration and management of the domain, to the choice of the template (graphic layout of the site) as well as the textual content and images to be inserted , the optimization and positioning of the site itself, so that it can appear among the top positions on search engines.

Once the first and fundamental step has been taken, which consists in developing and putting the web project online, there are, therefore, numerous activities that can be carried out to promote it, such as:

  • Optimization and positioning
  • AdWords campaigns
  • Email marketing
  • Press releases
  • Link building
  • Directory insertion
  • Social marketing


It is therefore necessary to rely on a single agency that has internal figures specialized in various sectors and that deals organically with all phases of development and post-assistance.

BASE315 aims to do this: take the customer by the hand and accompany him from the beginning to the end of a project, offering specialist consultancy for every type of need.

Optimization and positioning

SEO activities to increase the visibility of your websites and e-commerce, improving positioning on search engines.
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AdWords campaigns

Creation and management of advertising campaigns in order to promote your brand and reach new customers.
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Social Marketing

Use of social media to increase brand awareness, to spread promotional messages and to establish direct dialogue with customers.
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Email Marketing

Using email to send promotional messages and corporate communications to our customers.
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Web copywriting turns words into conversions, crafting strategic texts that capture attention and drive action, enhancing online presence.
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Link building e directory

Creating links to your website in order to increase visibility and positioning on search engines.
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Hourly and plus assistance, free training and consultancy.
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