Improve the performance of your website
Having a beautiful website that does not appear properly on search engines is like creating a beautiful showcase and placing it in the middle of the desert.
In a word? Useless.
For this reason, the optimization and positioning activities should go hand in hand with the creation and putting online of the site itself.
Do you need to position yourself in the top positions of Google?
Here are our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) packages that will increase your visibility.
By purchasing one of the following packages, an SEO expert will periodically review your website trying to improve a whole series of aspects that will lead you to reach the top positions on the main search engines.
Recommended for companies and freelancers operating locally
Entry in Google MyBusiness
Google Analytics added
Entry in Google Search Console
Targeted positioning on 5 keywords locally
Activation of advanced security and performance services, including CDN, WAF, WAN, DDoS and more
Half-yearly report
Recommended for companies and freelancers operating on a provincial or regional level
Entry in Google MyBusiness
Google Analytics added
Entry in Google Search Console
Targeted positioning on 5 keywords at the provincial or regional level
Activation of advanced security and performance services, including CDN, WAF, WAN, DDoS and more
Four-monthly reports
Recommended for companies and freelancers operating nationwide
Entry in Google MyBusiness
Google Analytics added
Entry in Google Search Console
Targeted positioning on 5 keywords at national level
Activation of advanced security and performance services, including CDN, WAF, WAN, DDoS and more
Trimestrial report